Adrianne Moran, new president/CEO of the Brown County Chamber of Commerce, speaks during the chamber’s annual Drucker Awards ceremony on April 20. Photo by Wade Linville
Adrianne Moran has been selected as the new president/CEO of the Brown County Chamber of Commerce. Moran is set to take over her new position on May 8, and she had the opportunity to speak to the public during the Brown County Chamber of Commerce’s annual Drucker Awards Ceremony held on Thursday, April 20.
Born and raised in Brown County, she is daughter of Aaron Moran and Kelly Bolender.
She’s currently a senior at Ohio State University where she will soon earn her Bachelor Degree in Business Administration – focusing on marketing, agricultural communications and leadership studies.
“During my time at OSU, I have gained valuable knowledge and skills that have shaped me into the person that I am today,” said Adrianne Moran.
She served in local 4-H and FFA as a youngster in Brown County, as well as other organizations, and is currently a proud member of the Brown County Cattlemen’s Association and Brown County Farm Bureau.
“I believe that giving back to the community is an essential part of being a responsible citizen, and these organizations have allowed me to do just that,” said Moran.
Moran is also founder of a social media marketing business that she launched recently.
Moran takes over the position with the chamber following the resignation of president/CEO Missy Jimison.
She is excited to get started as the new president/CEO of the Brown County Chamber of Commerce.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity I have and I’m excited to see what the future holds, for not only myself, but for the Brown County Chamber of Commerce,” said Moran.