The Kiwanis Club President, Marla Jo Cooley, presented the gift to Tracy Gelter for the “HO HO” Project in memory of Libby Neu, who along with another member, Billy Kilgore, loved this project. Also pictured (from left to right) are Angel Whited and Jewell Johnson of Adams Brown County Head Start.
The Ohio District Kiwanis Foundation recently presented the Kiwanis Club of Southern Hills Region a 75th Anniversary Club Grant. The Club Grant was a thank you gift of $100 to amplify the club’s impact, to reach kids that need Kiwanis.
The Kiwanis Club President, Marla Jo Cooley, presented the gift to Tracy Gelter for the “HO HO” Project in memory of Libby Neu, who along with another member, Billy Kilgore, loved this project.
For many years, the Kiwanis Club of Southern Hills Region has participated with the Adam Brown Head Start Program to provide presents for children, birth to age three. In recent years, Kiwanis International has changed the Priority One Project to serve children birth to age five.
In recent years, due to the pandemic, the Kiwanis were not allowed to provide wrapped presents, only cash. They collected from members cash contributions which were presented to the head start program.
This year, the Kiwanis are returning to their old ways. All of their members are asked to participate. It is a voluntary participation for a good cause. There are many struggling families with children ages birth to five years old that are the siblings of the head start students. These are the children the Kiwanis want to serve. Their slogan “Kids Need Kiwanis” has helped to find the kids they desire to help.
Donate to the cause today!
If you decide to give a cash donation, please make the check out to Karen Grooms or Tracy Gelter, with “HO HO Fund” on the memo line.
If you desire to help Kiwanis provide Wrapped Presents, on the outside of the present firmly attach a note that states the age of the child, such as girl 10-12 months, or boy 2 years old, etc. (up to five).
The deadline to bring the cash or presents to the Kiwanis Club of Southern Hills Region Secretary, Ron Dvorachek, is on Dec. 7, 2023, to 207 W Grant Ave, Georgetown, Ohio 45121.
Call 513-720-1909 for more info.