A fireworks show over the Ohio River will once again cap off the Ripley Lions Club’s July Fourth Fireworks Festival. Pictured is last year’s festival in Ripley. Photo by Wade Linville
The Ripley Lions Club would like to invite everyone to this year’s Fourth of July Fireworks Festival celebration to be held at the Ripley Lions Club Park on June 30 and July 1. The fireworks will occur on Saturday, July 1 at 10 p.m. The festival will provide contests, talent baby show, vendor booths, musical entertainment, good food, and several raffles with many great prizes.
The festival will kick off at 7 a.m. on Friday, June 30 with a youth fishing tournament (largest fish caught) followed by the Patriotic Decorated Bike Contest at 1 p.m., the Youth Cornhole competition at 2 p.m., the traditional Pet Show at 3 pm., men and women’s Arm-Wrestling competition starting with registration at 5 p.m., and the Chili Cook-off at 5 p.m.
The Poker and Big Wheel competition will begin at 5 p.m., and the first day will conclude with music provided by the Pedigo Ensemble at 8 p.m.
On Saturday, July 1, a second youth fishing tournament (most fish caught) will be held beginning at 7 a.m. followed by the Baby Show beginning with registration at 8 a.m., followed by the Pie/Cake contest at 1 p.m., a decorated Hat Contest at 2:30 p.m., a Talent Show at 4 p.m., the Open/Adult Cornhole competition at 4 p.m., Poker/Big Wheel competition at 5 p.m., and the Duck Race at 6 p.m. The festival concludes with the music of the band, “Late Night Freeway”, starting at 7 p.m., the shooting of the fireworks at 10 p.m., and the announcement of the raffle winners at 10:30 p.m.
Those participants who wish to pre-register or want further information on any event can contact Ripley Lions Club on Facebook or representatives Danny Price at 703 597-2529 or Chandra Berry at 937 213-0984.
The Ripley Lions Club wants to thank the surrounding communities for their continued support for our missions.
7 a.m. ~ Youth Fishing Tournament (Largest fish caught—-15 and under) 10 a.m. ~ Festival Opens (Food, Vendors, Games)
1 p.m. ~ Decorated Bike Contest (Most Patriotic) & Bike Parade 2:00 p.m. ~ Youth Cornhole Competition (18 and under) 3:00 p.m. ~ Pet Show Registration
3:30 p.m. ~ Pet Show 5 p.m. ~ Poker & Big Wheel Competition Begins
5 p.m. ~ Arm Wrestling Registration. Competition begins at 6 pm
5 p.m. ~ Chili Cook-Off Registration
6 p.m. ~ Chili Cook-Off 6:30 p.m. ~ Freedom 5K Fun Run/Walk (Register at John Parker Park) 8 p.m. ~ Evening Music: “Pedigo Band”
11 p.m. ~ Festival Closes
7 a.m. ~ Youth Fishing Tournament (Most Fish Caught—-15 and under) 8 a.m. ~ Festival Opens (Food, Vendors, Games)
8 a.m. ~ Baby Show Registration
9 a.m. ~ Baby Show Contest 1 p.m. ~ Pie/Cake Registration 1:30 p.m. ~ Pie/Cake Contest (Auction to follow) 2:30 p.m. ~ Hat Contest Registration. Competition begins at 3 pm
4 p.m. ~ Talent Show
4 p.m. ~ Open/Adult Cornhole Competition. Registration at 3 pm
5 p.m.~ Poker & Big Wheel Competition Begins
6 p.m. ~ Duck Race 7 p.m. ~ Evening Music: “Late Night Freeway”
10 p.m. ~ FIREWORKS!!!!!
Fireworks will be shot from the Kentucky Side of the Ohio River. Rain date is July 2 at 10 p.m.