Children line up preparing for a sack race, one of the many activities at the Easter celebration. Picture provided by Teresa Gall.
Kids, family, friends, and neighbors celebrated the Easter holiday together as a community on Saturday, April 1, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. The Hamersville Community Action Team (H.C.A.T.), the council, and Shelly Spencer organized and hosted the celebration, featuring various entertaining activities for kids. The celebration was held at the Hamersville Elementary and Middle Schools for kids between ages 1 and 16, including a special needs area. The people of Hamersville are passionate about their bond as a community, wishing to connect as a whole and help one another out. Many donated candy, prizes, and eggs for the Easter celebration; H.C.A.T. accumulated around 3,000 eggs for the 4:00 p.m. egg hunt.
Anticipating a crowd, H.C.A.T. and the council arrived at the school early to begin setting up craft stations, the Easter egg hunt, games, and other activities. H.C.A.T. and the council set to work immediately after arriving, knowing that some attendees may arrive early. It wasn’t long before the clock struck 2:00 to mark the commencement of the Easter Celebration.
Children skipped merrily with faces animated, anticipating the fun day to be had. Parents and caregivers trailed behind their kids. An astonishing, satisfactory 100 kids showed up, all accompanied by their caregivers. A crisp wind ushered a buttery, warming aroma to greet the noses of newcomers. Paired with the popping of fresh popcorn was the gentle crunch of crushed ice scooped onto paper cones. While enjoying their tasty snacks, children pasted googly eyes onto paper cutout bunnies. They snatched markers and swirled them across the bunny to add their own creative designs. Another group of kids hopped towards a finish line, racing one another with burlap sacks held up to their waists. The Easter Bunny would be envious of the kids’ deft hops. A talented magician, David Hennig, entertained with a myriad of fanciful tricks up his sleeve, earning wide eyes glistening in awe from both children and parents. The magician whipped out thin, colorful balloons and twisted them into animals per each child’s request. Photos were snapped with the infamous Easter Bunny himself.
The children were soon rounded up for the Easter egg hunt. With determination and glee, children dashed to scour every corner of the playground. Eggs were plucked from the highest platform of the playground to the lower grounds around the slide’s exit. Empty plastic bags and buckets began to fill with a rainbow of eggs large and small. As the hunt ended, children eagerly began to riffle through their findings. Eggs “popped” opened with a chocolate or a piece of candy. Some children exchanged favorite candies with one another and shared their prideful haul.
“Despite the winds and the chill in the air, we had a wonderful turnout.” Teresa Gall, President of H.C.A.T. remarked.
The Hamersville Community Action Team and the council are immensely grateful for those who have helped make the Easter celebration possible with their donations and aid. Their passion for their community continues to shine with each new event they host. Bringing people together, helping people, and creating new memories and friendships are their hopes for their community.